Home Workouts for Apr. 20th

Written by Saskpro Crossfit on April 20, 2020

Monday April 20, 2020
Title: Q1/5
Status: pending

Warmup: 1 Sun Salutation
3 Rounds of…
10 Clamshells/leg
10 Side Lying Adductions/leg
6-8/side Single Leg Glute Bridge w/ Hip Flexion

5:00 Double Under Practise

A) 4 Rounds of…: 8 Hip Hinge Stick Drill @ 4111 tempo
rest :30
:20/side Side Plank or (Rx’d: Star-Side plank w/ leg raise)
rest :30
6/side Single Leg Slasher to Halo (can hold weight, house-hold item)
rest :30
6/side Front Plank w/ Opposite Arm/Leg Raise (Rx’d: Knee Hover w/ Opp arm/leg raise)
rest :30
8 Hamstring Walk-Outs (lots of baby steps, engage midline)
Rest 2:00
B) 5:00on/3:00 off x 3 @ 80% output: 30 Du’s, 50 Singles, or 20 Lateral Line Hops
15 Conditioning Squat Jump (Scaled: 10 One and A Quarter Squat)
10 Scissor Kicks/side
5 Oblique Crunches/side
10 Pushup Shoulder Taps

Cooldown: Sphinx :90

Cactus Arms Pose :90/side

Cat Pulling It’s Tail 3:00/side

Pigeon Pose 3:00/side


Tuesday April 21, 2020
Title: Q2/5
Status: pending

Warmup: 5:00 Foam Roll
3 Rounds of…
10 Cat-Cow
5 Bird-Dog/side
5 T-Spine Twist/side
5 Kneeling Hurdler/side

A) 4 Rounds of…: 6 Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat/side @ 3211 tempo, weak leg first
rest :60
8 Split Squats/leg @ 3211 tempo (not alternating)
rest up to :60
12 Arrested Sumo Squat @ 3111 tempo
rest up to 2:00

B) :40on/:20 off x 16 (4 sets of 4 exercises): 1- Hand Release Pushups
2- Alternating Single Leg Glute Bridges (Scaled: Glute Bridges)
3- Plank to Pushup Pressouts
4- Sit Outs (Scaled: No Pushup Burpees)

Cooldown: 3-way Banded Hips 2:00/position/side
3:00 Supported Bridge
3:00 Chest Opener


Wednesday April 22, 2020
Title: Q3/5
Status: pending

Warmup: 1 Sun Salutation
10 Arrested Good Morning
5/side Lower Body Brace Single Arm Circles (note: knees stays put)
10 Leg Swings in each direction
10 Eggbeaters/direction

A) 4 Rounds of…: 12 Deficit Pushups w/ pause @ bottom OR 6-8 Box Handstand Pushups
rest up to 60
6/side Single Leg Double Arm Kb Rdl*
rest up to :60
20 Lateral Line Hops/leg
rest up to :60
1 Round Calves for Days (10 raises + :10 hold x 3)
rest up to :60
5 Bird-Dog/side (breathe out/in @ the top of each rep)
rest up to 2:00

*Can add reps/add weight
B) 4 Rounds For Time: :30 Forearm Plank
25 Jumping Jacks
20 V Situp or 20 Tuck Ups
15 Triangle Pushups or Pushups
10 No Pushup Burpees
5 Nemesis Crunch/side

Cooldown: 3 Rounds of…
:60 Gentle Neck Stretch L
:60 Gentle Neck Stretch R
:60 Wrist Stretch
Butterfly 3:00 (support head)


Thursday April 23, 2020
Title: Q4/5
Status: pending

Warmup: 3 Rounds of…
5 Scap Pushups
5 Single Arm Table-top/side
10/side Sumo Stance Side to Side Hip Opener

A) 4 Rounds of….: 10 Reverse Lunges/leg
rest up to :60
5 Perfect Air Squat @ 5511 tempo
rest up to :60
:40 Chinese Plank (can add weight on hips)
rest up to 2:00
B) Death by….: Each minute perform the following:
1 Burpee (Scaled: No Pushup Burpee)
1/side Conditioning Split Squat Jump
1 Pushup

-After you complete the given reps, you have the remainder of the 1:00 to rest. Add 1 rep to each movement each minute until you can no longer complet the given reps in the 1:00.

Cooldown: Wall Butterfly 2:00
Wall Squat 3:00
Wall-eye 3:00/side
Twisted Root 3:00/side


Friday April 24, 2020
Title: Q5/5
Status: pending

Warmup: 5:00 Foam Roll
3 Rounds of…
:60 Wizard Staff Stretching (obliques, hips, t-spine, hamstrings, abs, obliques)
10 Dowel or Banded Dislocate
:60 Hip Coordination

A) 4 Rounds of…: 3-5 Half Turkish Getup/side (bodyweight/weighted/strangeweight are all ok)
rest up to :60
3/side Single Leg Hip Flexion w/ hip hinge & Femur Rotation *
rest up to :60
8 Arrested Good Morning @ 3211 tempo
rest up to :60
3up/3down on each leg Lunge Rotation
rest 2:00

*Balance challenge, try to keep your flying leg on the same saggital plane that it started on :)
B) 4 x 4: Tabata is :20on/:10 off x 8.

Tabata 1
even – Hand Release Pushups
odd- Conditoining Squat Jumps

Rest 2:00

Tabata 2
even- Rolling Plank
odd- Supermans

Rest 2:00

Tabata 3
even- Three Way Crunch
odd- Hand Release Pushups

Tabta 4
1/5- Rocking Hollows or Flutter Kicks
2/6- Bicycle Crunch
3- Lying Sole Taps
4- Side to Side Heel Taps

Cooldown: Mobility:
Wind Relieving Pose 1:00

Wind Relieving pose L 2:30
Wind Relieving pose R 2:30

Wind Relieving Pose 3:00

Wall Straddle 3:00 (support under thighs)

Wall Sphinx 3:00